I was not looking for a new career right now, but when I read the job description, it seemed to have my name all over it…
Do you love blogging? CHECK
Do you love facebooking and tweeting? CHECK and CHECK
In addition, I read into it…
Do I need to get enthusiastic, motivated and inspired by more than my wonderful boys? CHECK
Do I need to feel a sense of accomplishment beyond being a mom? CHECK
Do see huge potential in how PTPA can use the internet can connect parents from all situations and circumstances? CHECK
The PTPA Social Media Mom (SMM) position was a perfect way to get back into the workforce in a part time role, do what I love, and continue to give the best to my special needs son. While I was so excited by the idea of using my 10+ years in marketing and my passion for connecting with other parents, I wasn’t sure if I could fit work into my already crazy schedule. The truth is…I can! I’ve found that having an escape from caring for the boys makes me a confident and fulfilled mom. While I find it very difficult to say “I can’t play right now, Mommy is working”, I do find that I can recharge taking time to work then let loose crawling on the floor with my 3 year olds.
I’ve been blogging with PTPA for a while now but now I’m getting paid for what I love! I do have to admit that the balance is not totally comfortable right now and that I’m learning how to incorporate work with family time. I’m giving myself (and my family) some time to adjust to my new role as someone other than a caregiver. I’m confident that taking on this role will bring amazing opportunities to my own life and allow me to feel empowered that I can truly do anything.
Four years ago I wrote a letter to myself about my “Perfect Day”….my dream day was to be a SAHM but also use my marketing background to connect with parents online. My “Perfect Day” has come true working with PTPA as the new Social Media Mom- looking forward to connecting with all of you!

Please feel free to send me any comments, topic ideas, links to blogs or websites you love at heather@ptpamedia.com or post your comments here!
Myrtle's Turtles
August 2, 2010 at 4:30 am (15 years ago)Congratulations “SuperMommy”! You are living up to your name!
Deb Manni
August 2, 2010 at 6:15 pm (15 years ago)Congratulations Heather! Good luck with the new job.
August 3, 2010 at 1:08 am (15 years ago)Congratulations!
August 3, 2010 at 5:09 pm (15 years ago)So happy for you Heath and so excited to work together! You are the perfect “supermommy” for this job! Welcome to the team 🙂
Lisa McPhee
August 6, 2010 at 12:25 pm (15 years ago)Congratulations Heather. I’m so proud of you. You have no idea how many lives you touch with your inspirational stories, blogs and posts. Contiunue to follow your heart, be true to yourself and I’m confident greatness will follow you wherever your path takes you.
August 7, 2010 at 2:53 am (15 years ago)While, I am still finding how to be a great SAHM and WFH….I really love PTPA…is that enough for acryonms for you???? Loving this…except, I’d love to see my first paycheck!
August 7, 2010 at 3:46 am (15 years ago)Hi Heather,
just wanted to say you have a beautiful blog and a beautiful son (sons really).
My 4 month old son is deaf and we are in the process of learning sign and waiting to see if he qualifies for the cochlear implant.
Your blog struck a cord as we too spend time at Sick Kids.
Anyway, just wanted to say how great I think you blog is and reach out.
BTW…I’m your newest follower!!!
August 7, 2010 at 11:00 am (15 years ago)That is awesome!!! What a cool job! Congrats!
August 11, 2010 at 5:29 am (15 years ago)Congrats Heather! You’re doing a great job so far 🙂
p.s. I absolutely ♥ your blog.