Since turning off the lights during Earth Hour on March 29th, we’ve continued the dialogue about Earth Day (April 22nd) and conserving energy in our family. With the boys learning about saving electricity in science this month, we’ve created four family goals to all pitch in and make a difference in our own house! Our […] Read more…
Archive of ‘Parenting’ category
Game Changing Day for Ontario Couples Suffering from Infertility
Eleven years ago, on my 30th birthday, I had just received the most incredible birthday gift. After one full year of undergoing tests, treatments, taking drugs and ultimately doing an expensive round of IVF, I had just learned I was pregnant with my sweet Ty. With the news being so early, I couldn’t share it […] Read more…
March 27th is a special day
Today is always a special day in my heart and in our family. While there won’t be cake or balloons or any presents, it’s a day that brought us two celebrations in our lives.On March 27th, 2008, our little Zackie got his first hearing aids! I can’t find that amazing photo and I would have […] Read more…
When your 10 year old son asks you what the word “Rape” means
Had another interesting chat with my amazing 10 year old son on Wednesday night. I both love and fear my evening discussions with Ty. These are the ones that both warm my heart as a mom and challenge me as a parent. We have a connection that I treasure- an honest relationship that I honour […] Read more…
Treasure Tuesday #2 (#TreasureTuesday)
Remember when I created this new twist on Wordless Wednesday just last week? This is my way of finding old filed away photos of my beautiful family and sharing them- preserving the memory, telling the story in the photo and sharing something special with my friends.Today’s Treasure Tuesday is this photo from April 2008 (Jayden […] Read more…
Treasure Tuesday #1
Okay, so I invented that title, big deal. It’s not Wordless Wednesday or even Throwback Friday, but it is a chance for me to find special photos from the vault and share them…. Just look at today’s treasure: Jayden and Zackie’s special moments Zack trying to steal Jayden’s soosoo- if he had grabbed it, it […] Read more…
The first Canadian IVF baby has his own family
Last night I was watching the news and with tears in my eyes, I saw the amazing story of how the first “test tube” IVF baby in Canada, is now a father.With Family Day approaching, it made me realize the incredible impact on the lives of so many families, including mine, who would not have […] Read more…
The Latest Cheerios Commercial
Gracie’s back for Superbowl Sunday and just in time for Black History Month! Gracie is the little girl in the Cheerios commercial who was at the centre of the racial debate last May. When General Mills featured an interracial family (just like ours) in their commercial, they were slammed by racist comments on their YouTube […] Read more…
It take more than HOPE to become parents for some couples
This time of year is also about hope. As a member of the group, Conceivable Dreams, I see day in and day out the hopefulness in the posts by those women going through their first or second or third round of IVF. I know that keeping that hope alive is so difficult when you want […] Read more…