Learning to love my body after thyroid cancer and my total thyroidectomy has been a long process. It’s been almost a year since I heard the words “you have cancer” and started to have a different relationship with my body. Getting over the surgery was much easier than dealing with the year long adjustments to […] Read more…
Archive of ‘Thyroid Cancer’ category
Putting Thyroid Cancer Behind Me
It’s the news I’ve been waiting for! I can now put thyroid cancer behind me and I can say that not only am I cancer-free, but I am a cancer survivor! This still blows my mind, as I type it. I still find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that I had […] Read more…
When Will I Be Thyroid Cancer Free?
Since I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, last month, I’ve been waiting to breathe a sigh of relief. I’ve been counting the days to celebrate, have a kicked-cancer’s-ass party, and buy a something special to mark the special occasion (shoes? a new handbag?). After a night in the hospital post-total thyroidectomy surgery, I could leave […] Read more…
The Emotions of My New Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis
Wow…this is one wild ride already. After meeting with my surgeon this week, we now have a plan. Since the right side likely has some cancer cells as well, he is going to take out the entire thyroid (total thyroidectomy) in late April or early May. Dr. Shah feels confident that my lymph nodes are NOT […] Read more…
I Have Thyroid Cancer and I’m Going to Be Ok
I have thyroid cancer. There, I typed it. Even as I made the phone calls last night and the words came out of my mouth, it was impossible to believe. Yesterday, I learned the results of my biopsy and as it turns out, they found cancer cells on the left nodule (which is over 3 […] Read more…