This weekend is Family Day in Ontario and like many other families, we will be spending the day having fun and making memories together. Since only six provinces celebrate this day set aside for families, we feel very blessed to live in one of them.
You know what else makes Ontario amazing?
Celebrating diverse cultures, raising kids in multicultural communities, embracing differences, empowering people so that they can find employment, supporting our sports teams (even through all the losses) and exposing its citizens to the arts and culture that make up this province, are only a few reasons why we love living here.
Best of all, Ontario believes in families, not only through Family day, but in a new, very important way that is close to my heart. The Wynne government continues to put families first with their latest budget and promises to provide additional support for people in this province who want to become parents. The Liberal Government is expanding coverage of infertility services for one cycle of in vitro fertilization per patient per lifetime for all causes of eligible infertility. Yay, right? Enhancing coverage makes infertility services more affordable, accessible and equal and increases access to more than 4,000 additional patients annually. Couples who have been trying to get pregnant, now have one more option to become parents. This is exciting news for all Ontarians!
Here’s what you need to know about Ontario’s new policy;
- In Ontario, we now have a commitment to funding IVF with single embryo transfer (SET).
- The government has pledged $50 million to build the IVF funding program, scheduled to start this year.
- IVF funding with SET (Single Embryo Transfer) is a policy supported by many experts including the SOGC (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada).
- Single embryo transfer gives the best possible health outcome for mother and baby. Multiple birth babies carry greater lifetime health care costs. Public funding coupled with SET saves money.
- Conceivable Dreams has been instrumental in making this policy a reality and continues to support couples and advise the Ontario government so that families continue to come first!
*Disclosure: I am honoured to share our story of IVF as a valued and compensated member of the Conceivable Dreams blog team.
marten alex
June 24, 2019 at 7:44 pm (6 years ago)Hello.
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