I’ll Carry You In My Heart

You’ll never know the pain I feel The hurt you left behind Oh, what I wouldn’t give to hold you just one more time… I carried you in my womb, Then I carried you in my arms And now, until it no longer beats I’ll carry you in my heart…
-Jan Todd
December 19, 2011 at 8:09 pm (13 years ago)No words. xo
December 29, 2011 at 2:15 pm (13 years ago)thank you so much for your precious words. My David was also born with amazing “issues’…together we fought many, many surgeries, feeding tubes, comas,dyslexia and allergies. He will never live long enough to have his first surgery, I was told….he did at 4 weeks….12 hours long. Five more followed that. He will never be able to use his right arm, they said…he went on to be a weight lifter and college football player. He will never graduate from high school..they said. He graduated from college and went on to be the CFO of a huge company. “They” told me 6 times he wouldn’t live….he is 52. Now he is battling ALS….another death sentence, they say but like all the rest of ‘issues’ he fights on and is raising money for research and ALS awareness. Like you, I carry him in my heart, this special boy, always. His battles have given hope to many, many others and provided answers to huge medical questions and learning questions. His current battle will do the same, I know….no matter what “they” say! He will live on in Heaven forever.