My Visit with Medium, Sandy Wiltshire- a message from my Zack

These are my memories of today’s reading….from an emotionally draining but amazing visit with Sandy Wiltshire, a medium who lost her daughter years ago and studied to become a spiritual woman. She did the reading in her house, she recorded it, had lots of kleenex. Her book was the first one that I read after Zack died….I found comfort hearing that she had connected with her daughter and it reaffirmed my belief that there is a heaven. She only does readings for bereaved parents. After 5 months…she called to make an appointment.

I’m sure more memories of today’s reading will come out later….these are the ones that really proved to me that Zack was there…..and is still very much with us.

  • Paul’s family came through first, his father’s family are with Zack. Foreign element (Jamaica) and mentioned “George”…all of this had deep meaning for me and I look forward to Paul hearing this part.
  •  Zack was holding an uncle’s hand- Paul’s uncle.
  • Sandy felt heaviness in her chest- there was an issue with a connection (yes- from heart to lungs, a rare issue). And an issue with his neck and balance.
  • Sandy said he had trouble speaking, walking, life was hard…but he had a happy life.
  • Sandy said he was in and out of hospitals- um..ya.
  • She said he passed quickly and easily and he was okay.
  • He told her he loved me, hugged me, blew a kiss and said thank you for a good life.
  • He smiled a lot.
  • Sandy saw him jumping over and over….asked if he had a trampoline. (he LOVED his indoor trampoline)- He told her that I had put it away or that it wasn’t out anymore (I have given it to a sweet little girl who is having some delays in gross motor skills)- he was happy I had given it away.
  • Sandy saw my Nana….she told her initials of “her girls” and that she was watching them all.
  • Sandy said my Nana was with me and had been for a while, as I was the first born (this is so true…we were close).
  • Sandy said to keep talking to Zack and my Nana- they are listening and helping me through this.
  • My Nana told me she was with him….confirming what I already felt.
  • Sandy tried to tell the Medium who she was, with a name….she showed her “D-N”…Medium said “Don?”, then “Donaldson”….this was my Nana’s middle and VERY unique middle name.
  • She mentioned there would be a pregnancy in our family (my cousin is trying).
  • She mentioned that my Nana was at the wedding for “R-I”….Erin, my sister
  • Nana acknowledged a little boy with a ‘J’….I think this is my cousin’s little boy who has had a rough start.
  • My sweet Grandpa was there, but behind my Nana (just like in life) and my Dad’s mom was in the background…as she had died when I was young.
  • Nana indicated a “P-T”…like “Pat or Pete”….Pete is my dad’s name.
  • When I smiled at the information about Zack….he told her that he loved to see me smile.
  • He wanted to tell Daddy he loved him and give him a hug.
  • He mentioned- 2, double….twins! Mentioned a “J” name and a boy with a school bag (Ty). he was with them and really missed them.
  • He was playing with a little girl (we have a young girl who passed on both Paul and my side).
  • He was dancing with my Nana.
  • He was running (this is how I had hoped he would be).
  • He was showing her he “bum scootched” a lot- even though he could move other ways.
  • He crawled up the stairs to his room, even though he could walk, Sandy mentioned this was his mode of transportation up the stairs (so true)…he went to his room- he is very much in that room and hears us in that room….that remains untouched.
  • Sandy mentioned Sesame Street- what does that mean? I laughed….Zack has seen that I put stickers around his room (wasn’t there before he died)…he was happy that I (with Jayden) did that.
  • Sandy mentioned Big Bird and Elmo….then said that Zack was singing the Sesame Street song.
  • Sandy mentioned a black and white dog…..(as many of you know, we are getting a salt and pepper Schnauzer soon- she was just born). Zack sent her to us, he was happy about this.


80 Comments on My Visit with Medium, Sandy Wiltshire- a message from my Zack

  1. Bubbie Bonnie
    September 1, 2011 at 11:02 pm (14 years ago)

    I’m so happy that you were able to get comfort from this visit. I want to do it – just not sure how I will handle it.

    • Linda
      November 12, 2019 at 8:31 pm (5 years ago)

      How can I get in touch with Sandy

      • Kay
        November 16, 2021 at 7:40 am (3 years ago)

        I don’t think she does readings any more. I went to her once and it blew my mind. I was literally in shock sitting in the car afterwards. I did more healing in that hour than I have in my whole life. I would love to go again but her phone message said she wasn’t doing it any more. I’ve seen other people over the years but no one was ever close to Sandy. I wish I had asked more questions about her and her gift but I was so dumbfounded I couldn’t even comprehend what had just happened. Not one thing she said was wrong. Even stuff I wasn’t aware of at the time were facts. If I ever find out she does readings again ill do my best to go get a chance again. My family has a lot of death and heartache. It’s just so healing its such a gift I still carry with me to this day.

        • Shelley Johnston
          April 6, 2023 at 7:51 pm (2 years ago)

          Were you ever able to find out if Sandy still does readings I tried calling to book but unable to leave a message. My aunt went many years ago and was very comforted by her

  2. BLOOM - Parenting Kids With Disabilities
    September 2, 2011 at 12:06 am (14 years ago)


    I read some similar books by mediums after my Dad died but have never had a reading.

    What did Sandy know about your family? What information did she have before the reading about family members?

    This is so exciting. I’m so glad you shared this.

    Would love to hear more details xo

  3. Smita
    September 2, 2011 at 12:57 am (14 years ago)

    Wow – I can only imagine how emotional this day has been for you….so glad you got some answers from your sweet little Zackie 🙂 xox

  4. Anonymous
    September 2, 2011 at 2:00 am (14 years ago)

    so glad to hear my Mum was mentioned,and that you felt that Zack was happy.Thanks for sharing.

  5. TJZMommy
    September 2, 2011 at 12:23 pm (14 years ago)

    Sandy only knew that I had lost a child. I think I might have told her his name. That’s all. She did not know about my other boys or anything else.
    She told other things that I didn’t mention, as they do not “prove” to me that she saw people I love (like I was at a crossroads, trying to find a new direction, I had done the right things for Zack, etc.). While those things were nice to hear, they did not confirm anything for me.
    It was amazing.

  6. Christine
    September 22, 2011 at 3:01 am (14 years ago)

    I remember when Kim passed away…
    I have several friends who have met with Sandy. She is amazing.
    I’m so glad you got to met with her.

  7. Unknown
    June 10, 2012 at 11:56 pm (13 years ago)

    If you or Sandy have any interest in leading a group for our new bereaved parents organization, “Helping Parents Heal” please let me know. Here’s a link to our site: Thanks, Mark Ireland

  8. Anonymous
    October 9, 2012 at 11:39 pm (12 years ago)

    My daughter and I had the pleasure of a reading from Sandy in June 2012. What peace and comfort it gave us.

    • Elaine
      May 6, 2016 at 12:29 am (9 years ago)

      I am trying to get contact info on Sandy Wiltshire to set up an appointment. .. can anyone email me this?

      • Linda
        March 27, 2018 at 4:36 pm (7 years ago)

        I am also trying
        Did you get contact information? I have a numberbbut it doesn’t get answered

        • Dianne Dalton
          March 27, 2018 at 4:40 pm (7 years ago)

          No, have not been able to find her anywhere.

          • Linda
            March 27, 2018 at 5:07 pm (7 years ago)

            Is there another medium that deals solely with grieving parents?

          • Heather Hamilton
            March 31, 2018 at 4:11 pm (7 years ago)

            I don’t think so. Not that I know of. I’m sure they all will work with parents who have lost a child.

          • Micheal
            May 26, 2020 at 7:47 pm (5 years ago)

            I heard she has been retired now for sometime I believe 2017 or may have been even earlier. My son has passed in 2018 and I really would like to see her or get a reverence from her of someone else she might happen to know.

          • Linda DeAbreu
            May 26, 2020 at 8:14 pm (5 years ago)

            If you find someone good let me know. I have been to two and didn’t feel any good info from either.

        • Heather Hamilton
          March 31, 2018 at 4:13 pm (7 years ago)

          The only number I have is 905-877-3761

          • Yvonne
            December 25, 2018 at 3:21 am (6 years ago)

            That number does not work been give that number from a friend and its answered but it’s not for sandy

  9. Anonymous
    October 31, 2012 at 7:42 pm (12 years ago)

    There’s nothing like being able to re-connect with someone who’s crossed over. It provides a sense of relief and calmness. I visited a lady in Durham named Truly Medium a while back and she helped out our family immensely. It’s certainly a unique gift that has been given to a few!

  10. Anonymous
    December 29, 2012 at 10:54 pm (12 years ago)

    We would really like to speak to Sandy but can not find her contact information anywhere. Can you help?

  11. Anonymous
    December 30, 2012 at 1:05 pm (12 years ago)

    Our daughter passed away in February 2011. We saw Sandy in October 2012. She did not know anything about us or our family. Sandy talked for hour an half and was 100 % right about everything she said. We are from Europe and she was spelling foreign names!!! Our baby girl was there with her grandpa… Sandy was very specific about certain dates..when she was born, when she got sick, surgery date etc. She saw 3 more little souls that were there with her…we lost 3 babies before they were born and Sandy was right about those loses as well. We are still trying to make some sense and have questions why? Why us again? No medication, meditation, nothing had helped us they was she did with her reading. Today would be our daughter’s second birthday and they only way we can get thru this day is by listening to the tape that Sandy made for us knowing that we do dot die when we die….THANK YOU dear Sandy for everything!!! You gift helped not only us but our parents and many family and friends..<3

    • Yvonnr
      December 25, 2018 at 3:25 am (6 years ago)

      Do u happen to have sandy telephone number or address my daughter passed away and I like to see her

  12. Anonymous
    December 30, 2012 at 1:12 pm (12 years ago)

    She can be reached at 905 877 3761….you will get a voice mail…it sounds that she is not accepting any new customers, but wait until the end of the message when she says: if you are bereaved parent, please leave your phone number…she is very busy, but will get back to you.We called in May 2012 and our reading was in October 2012.
    I know that our little Ema is with us now and always!!!

  13. Anonymous
    November 18, 2013 at 1:18 pm (11 years ago)

    I also had overwhelming confirmations from Sandy. She produced strange foreign names from my husband’s side, and the many repeated names on my side. She told me my father was with me when we were packing and unpacking, jockeying between two houses. My father accurately told her how many children he had, and that he was there to guide my son when he died. She accurately described some of my father’s personality quirks. But I was there for my son, who also described several events he had “attended” with me after he passed, and accurately named three of his uncles, his girlfriend, his sister and brother. After seeing Sandy, I no longer feel lost. The grief persists, but connecting with my son and learning that he is with me always was an unimaginable gift, and like Sandy says, “its all we’ve got”.

  14. Anonymous
    November 18, 2013 at 1:22 pm (11 years ago)

    I also had overwhelming confirmations from Sandy. She produced strange foreign names from my husband’s side, and the many repeated names on my side. She told me my father was with me when we were packing and unpacking, jockeying between two houses. My father accurately told her how many children he had, and that he was there to guide my son when he died. She accurately described some of my father’s personality quirks. But I was there for my son, who also described several events he had “attended” with me after he passed, and accurately named three of his uncles, his girlfriend, his sister and brother. After seeing Sandy, I no longer feel lost. The grief persists, but connecting with my son and learning that he is with me always was an unimaginable gift, and like Sandy says, “its all we’ve got”.

  15. Heather Hamilton
    August 7, 2014 at 4:47 pm (11 years ago)

    Such incredible stories from visits with Sandy. Thank you for sharing both your visit and your beautiful children.
    Good luck in your journey through grief.

  16. Deborah Coombs
    August 8, 2014 at 2:07 pm (11 years ago)

    So glad you had this chance to connect with Zack and other family members too. She sounds like a wonderful medium. I have had amazing experiences with readings, but haven’t been to a medium for this kind of experience.

  17. Lucia Bianca
    October 31, 2014 at 2:16 am (10 years ago)

    I lost my daughter on Jan 4 2014 she left behind a 6 month old and 4 year old I now live with my grandchildren and son in law Sandy book was given to me shortly after Lisa’s passing I read it and then contacted Sandy she called me in April and had a reading it was the most incredible reading I felt as if my baby girl was right there with me she even told me that she loved the way her jacket looked on me and was glad I was waring it. She told me I was doing a great job with the girls and when we find feathers and dimes which we always do find they are from her.God Bless Sandy she has brought me so close to my Lisa by her incredible validation that even though my daughter is not with us in a physical form she is definitely with us spiritually and because I always talk to her she continues to help me with the girls. My granddaughter always see her and my 5 year old tells me when mommy is right here with us dancing. God Bless you Sandy and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    • Brittani
      April 19, 2016 at 1:05 am (9 years ago)

      Hi, I was wondering if there was any way you can give me Sandy’s contact info? My family desperately needs her help and I can’t find it online.
      Any leads would be greatly appreciated!

    • Heather Hamilton
      April 11, 2017 at 10:10 pm (8 years ago)

      What a lovely story!

  18. Tess
    April 8, 2017 at 1:59 pm (8 years ago)

    Sandy spoke with me last Monday and was absolutely AMAZING ! Everything she said was correct and there’s NO WAY she could have known the information she gave. Sandy is a true blessing !

    • Heather Hamilton
      April 11, 2017 at 10:11 pm (8 years ago)

      How lovely! So glad you felt a connection.

    • kathy
      June 20, 2017 at 11:37 pm (8 years ago)

      Just wondering what Sandy’s contact info is now that it is 2017.

      I found a 905 -877 number. Is that still it?

    • asi
      July 6, 2017 at 9:18 pm (8 years ago)

      please can you give me Sandy’s contact info? my daughtre died on April 2th 2017. need to know she is ok

  19. Cathy
    October 30, 2017 at 1:31 pm (7 years ago)

    This Women is a God Sent! I went to see her 15 years ago and she changed my Life forever! I believe my Angels are always with me! I believe 100% that one day we will all be soooo happy in the beautiful life with all the beautiful people we have lost in this life. I don’t ask the questions anymore, I need to wait and know I will get my answers one day. I am soooooo sad to hear she is not taking any appointments, for I have so many friends that desperately need her help. She is the Angel that gave me a Gift that I have treasured every day! Thank you Sandy you have tattooed my heart forever!

  20. Sheila Doucette
    November 12, 2017 at 11:52 am (7 years ago)

    Correction… She does not only do reading for berieved parents . She does “so called” reading for anyone who has lost a love one and is desperate to connect.

    Sandy is local to Georgetown, Ont. I had a session with her a few years after my dad passed.

    Although entertaining, (and expensive) she is a fraud. Anyone with google can do their homework and give a more accurate, believable session.

    • Donna J.
      May 12, 2021 at 5:41 am (4 years ago)

      I believe she was a fraud too, definitely does research of her sitters, but needs better spontaneous acting/delivery skills.

    • Barb
      September 5, 2022 at 3:07 pm (3 years ago)

      I had a couple of readings with Sandy about 20 years ago. All she knew was my first name when I booked the appointment. She had nothing to Google and no way of knowing anything about me. She told me names, dates, and circumstances that were impossible to know; they weren’t just vague, lucky guesses. The readings were very comforting, uplifting and changed my views forever.

      • Susan Carol Gray
        September 5, 2022 at 6:45 pm (3 years ago)

        Definitely agree with you, Barb. Our visit was 16 years ago and received many verifications that she is truly the real deal.

  21. Dianne Dalton
    February 28, 2018 at 1:33 am (7 years ago)

    I saw Sandy 5 years ago after the death of my two sons. I am in need of her help again but her phone # is no longer in service. Does anyone have a phone or email contact?

    • Heather Hamilton
      March 31, 2018 at 4:14 pm (7 years ago)

      Just posted the number- bless you

      • Linda DeAbreu
        March 31, 2018 at 8:38 pm (7 years ago)

        Can you share the number please?

    • Dianne Dalton
      March 31, 2018 at 4:37 pm (7 years ago)

      Can’t see where you posted the number.

      • Linda DeAbreu
        March 31, 2018 at 6:56 pm (7 years ago)

        I have been trying to reach her myself. I have recently heard from a close friend that she is unfortunately retired. So sorry about your loss.

        • pina
          August 9, 2018 at 1:23 am (7 years ago)

          I’ve just called it again not in service.

  22. Linda DeAbreu
    August 14, 2018 at 3:44 pm (7 years ago)

    If any of you learn of a good medium could you please share with me. I lost my daughter in December 16th 2017. I need to know she is ok over there

    • Natalie
      November 8, 2024 at 9:39 pm (5 months ago)

      Hi, did you find a good medium, could you let me know, I recently lost my son.

  23. Sandy
    August 28, 2018 at 3:57 pm (7 years ago)

    My girlfriend lost her son last month and is looking for a medium. Does Sandy still do readings? I have seen her twice in the past and she helped with my own grieving emensly

  24. Lisa Cuccio
    November 1, 2018 at 6:25 am (6 years ago)

    I would love to contact Sandy because I have questions to ask her hoping she can help me with the passing of my mom. I was working out of state and 5 minutes after getting to the airport to fly home I received a call that she bad passed and it kills me everyday.

    • Linda DeAbreu
      November 1, 2018 at 10:09 am (6 years ago)

      Sorry to hear about your Mother’s passing. I have been told by someone who met Sandy Wiltshire that she has retired. I have made many attempts to call her phone number that is listed but no response or message option.

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  27. Deanna
    October 27, 2019 at 8:48 pm (5 years ago)

    Sandy I am a bereaved parent and would like to have a read with you somehow someway please reach out to me .

  28. xntrik62
    May 2, 2020 at 1:08 am (5 years ago)

    I had a reading with Sandy years ago. I am afraid to say, she is not authentic. I was disturbed when I listened to the tape of my amazing reading. As I am claircognizant and have my own sixth sense, I could hear the “craft” of what she was doing, the way she acted as if she was fumbling for my parents’ first names, which were both in my dad’s obituary (I made the mistake of giving her my full name, and my surname is unusual).

    All her info related to relatives, my address, and how many times I’ve moved, are traceable through birth records. Anyone with access to things like credit reports can see current/prior addresses and number of moves.

    I spent most nights, for two years, giving random information to strangers online, to test my claircognizance (I receive information randomly, a clear-knowing), and I can “cut with a knife” the deception that Sandy utilized in her “readings”.

    I am not discounting that she may have some true mediumship abilities. All I am saying is that I have no doubt, when I see others’ comments about her delivery of immediate first names, and how she delivers them, and how I could feel her delivery was premeditated when I reviewed her tape after my reading, that she was not what she claimed.

    It also looks like Sandy has completely disappeared, and the unfortunate person with her old phone number continues to get regular calls. If she were legitimate and a caring person, she would have written at least a sign-off online to inform people that she was no longer doing “readings”. I guess she extracted enough money and may have comfortably retired.

    • Chris
      February 28, 2021 at 3:57 am (4 years ago)

      I have to beg to differ, my ex wife went to Sandy 3 times. She was dead on the things she said. My ex gave her only her first name Ariel a very uncommon Yugoslavian name. She brought up my ex being pregnant when we discussed it on our way to see her my ex was telling me she was late. The third time my ex went her mome came through telling her that she sits on the coffee table in the kitchen, who puts a coffee table in the kitchen and she watches my daughter playing around the table. She also mentioned we lived in a building near the top and our kitchen was Orange and yellow. There was names she tried to mention Luce, Pero, eve not common names and all were in Yugoslavia now Croatia. I was one to not believe until I heard her tapes. So she is no fake.

      • Donna J
        May 12, 2021 at 5:53 am (4 years ago)

        I disagree, and again I’m claircognizant and was in theatre also. Sandy slipped up during her reading, indicating she knew the gender of a relative of my father’s, and then quickly back-peddled to a neutral pronoun, but it was too late, she gave herself away, and the way she feigned struggling before spitting out both my parent’s first names accurately was some real manure flying.

    • Daen
      March 17, 2022 at 2:49 pm (3 years ago)

      how can she research people she doesnt know. I went to see her twice now and she only knows my first name. nothing more

      • Rita
        July 25, 2023 at 3:10 pm (2 years ago)

        I was wondering if you’ve gone recently? I’d love to see her again if she’s still practicing. I saw her back in 2013 and was quite a private person on social media at the time. She mentioned things she could never have known.

        Anyhow if it was recent I’d love to see her again could you let me know the contact info you have for her please? Thank you so much. I agree I only have good things to say about her and my reading all those years ago.

  29. xntrik62
    May 2, 2020 at 1:13 am (5 years ago)

    If anyone doubts what I am saying here, I would be happy to connect personally with them and share our taped recordings. If someone is intelligent and discerning, they will agree with me after a comparison of her spot-on first names, and how all “tangible” information is that which is easily traceable with the right resources.

    A good medium would also have a connection, perhaps in the collections field or someone in investigation, who could easily find out timeline of past residences.

    Feel free to contact me if you are interested.

  30. Melanie Mann
    February 8, 2021 at 2:20 am (4 years ago)

    My dad was neglected at a long term care cbc news is involved. Please I need a reading

  31. Robert Demers
    June 10, 2021 at 5:50 pm (4 years ago)

    Eric I totally agree with you, Sandy was one of the best, not sure how she was just before retiring as most of us know your mind is not as clear as when you are in your prime so I can’t speak to that. I went for a reading with Sandy in 2003 and I also was a skeptic but kept an open mind . Sandy gave me a reading like no other, I gave her nothing but my name and the things she told me was incredible stuff that nobody else would of known but me , things that happened between me and my deceased brother that nobody else knew , not small things but things that you don’t share with anyone else . She must of been at the top of her readings because she was right on point !! She talked about things that happened in my house a couple nights before the reading such as I was on the computer and all of a sudden a real loud noise was in the air going whoooo and my computer monitor started to vibrate on the desk not the picture but the monitor casing just vibrating like crazy as everything else on the desk did not move or vibrate at all including a light table lamp stayed motionless at that point I turned and asked my departed brother if he had done that and I told no one what had happened not even my wife for some reason because it was incredible and I didn’t want her to think that I was loosing my mind lol and Sandy told me exactly what had happened and exactly what I said at that time word for word It was incredible like she would of been standing right beside me to have experienced the same thing, she also told me so many other things that happened or that was in my house in certain areas like a little plaque with certain writing on it and my brother wanted me to read it and I wasn’t even aware that it was there. I could go on and on about certain things it was an incredible experience and just mind blowing she was good really good and I’m so happy that I had a chance to experience this , to this day I still think how great she was and remember not long after I went she was going to start doing only parents that had lost a child she had told me because she was so busy and not able to everyone. I hate that a few people on here are trying to put her down and that’s what prompted me to right this, there will always be haters and jealous people who will try to discredit her but Sandy Wiltshire thank you so much You we’re and still are the best in my eyes… Robert

    • Gail
      July 17, 2021 at 3:29 pm (4 years ago)

      Robert I have heard wonderful things about Sandy. Do you know if she is still doing any readings in her retirement for bereaved parents and if she is still in Georgetown? I know her old number is not in service. Thanks

  32. Susan Carol Gray
    September 12, 2021 at 7:11 pm (4 years ago)

    So agree with you, Robert Demers and other positive comments. I saw Sandy in 2007 and two other later times with family members. She only had my first name and land line phone number. I found her book ‘coincidentally’ before, read it and started to follow her ‘journey’. I wanted answers as she initially felt. Her reading literally changed our lives. She mentioned things no one would know. As I continued my ‘journey’, many ‘coincidences’ fell into place just at the right time and I’m forever grateful for my life-changing spiritual path. Though we never ‘get over’ missing our loved ones, we can cope and find peace.

    • Gail
      September 13, 2021 at 5:48 pm (4 years ago)

      Do u know if sandy is still doing medium reading?ive heard she wasn’t well

      • Susan Carol Gray
        September 13, 2021 at 7:11 pm (4 years ago)

        So sad to hear that. I often wondered how Sandy handled all the appointments as I understand that my Great Grandmother, who was a Spiritualist and helped the bereaved, got very exhausted. FYI, you might try Chris Stiller in Alliston. He has a very good website and is the ‘real deal’ like Sandy. Good luck and let me know if he’s still accepting appointments.

  33. Gail
    September 14, 2021 at 9:20 pm (4 years ago)

    Thank you Susan I did call he has a 3 to 4 month wait list but takes cancellation appointments. Thanks for the info .

    • Susan Carol Gray
      September 14, 2021 at 11:53 pm (4 years ago)

      So welcome, Gail. Hope your apmt. goes as well as mine. I later sent 2 friends, who near the end of their readings, one had my daughter come through and the other’s deceased husband told her to “thank Susan”. I was astonished, but thankful to receive the ‘signs’. Blessings.

  34. Margaret
    May 27, 2022 at 10:21 pm (3 years ago)

    I’ve been to have a reading with Sandy in 2007 and again in 2009. She told me things that only I knew. They could not have been discovered by any investigator. eg. I was with my Aunt when she died. I asked my deceased father to be there to meet her, as she was very tired. I didn’t tell anyone. Sandy said, “your father wants you to know that he was there to meet your Aunt”. My mother related conversations I had had with my daughter about some changes we were going to make at our house. Sandy related these changes we were making and they were messages from my deceased mother, who said she was at my house often. My father gave the message that I shouldn’t despair, and that one of my children would give me a grandchild, but it wouldn’t be my oldest child, but my son, the second born. (neither were married at this time). Sure enough, my son gave us our first. She told me my son had been talking to a friend and gave me his last name. I knew of him, but he had moved to England. I went home and asked if he’d been talking to him. They had got in touch with each other the night before. Sandy related what they talked about.
    I could tell you so much more. She is totally the “real deal”. Wish I knew of someone who I could refer people to. There is such a need for people to know that there loved ones are around them. Good luck in your retirement Sandy. Know that you brought so many people some peace, and changed their lives for the better.

    • Susan Carol Gray
      May 28, 2022 at 3:58 pm (3 years ago)

      YES, Margaret, absolutely Sandy Wiltshire is the ‘real deal’ and glad she was able to make a difference to your grief journey. We found our family readings with her to be all truly confirming of many happenings, some so exact as to the unusual location of my daughter’s tatoo. I know it made a life changing effect for my husband. She so deserves to retire and I also wish her all the very best.

  35. Linda Procunier
    November 7, 2022 at 8:25 pm (2 years ago)

    I saw Sandy back in 2013, 31 years after losing a young daughter. It is now Nov/22 and I found the recorded cassette tape while cleaning a drawer. I was just as amazed today as I was 10 years ago that she had such a gift. I shall always be grateful that I went to see her and yes…spent that amount of money and drove all those miles! The peace of mind that the reading gave me has allowed me to face the future of a life without my daughter much more bravely. Because of Sandy’s reading, I am quite convinced that a new life awaits us when we die. I am grateful for Sandy’s assistance and wish her a happy life. I would be happy to see her once again if possible but understand that she already eased my mind with her incredible gift.

  36. Susan Carol Gray
    November 8, 2022 at 9:27 pm (2 years ago)

    Linda, sorry for the loss of your daughter. Our grief journey is very similar but Sandy made it somewhat easier to accept. So agree with all your comments as I also experienced validations that changed my life and am so grateful for what I almost have to categorize as enlightenment. Blessings, Susan

  37. Susan Carol Gray
    April 10, 2023 at 3:02 pm (2 years ago)

    For those grief stricken who have been unable to contact Sandy for a reading, she may very well have retired and be exhausted from all those readings she has given. Should you want help as you wait for a reading, I strongly suggest reading Sandy’s book, “My Gift of Light”, which should be available on-line. My husband and I read it twice. I began trying to follow her course of action and found much unexpected spiritual help began coming my way.

  38. Roxine
    July 18, 2023 at 12:36 am (2 years ago)

    Would like to get in touch with sandy Wiltshire I lost my son and would like to have a reading

  39. Kelly
    September 11, 2023 at 1:15 am (2 years ago)

    I had seen Sandy in 2003, before Facebook, Instagram, google….and to say she was amazing, is an understatement. She only knew my first name and told me things that there was no possible way she could have known any of it beforehand. I went because I lost my father and didn’t expect much from the visit. I was married and had 3 very small children. She told me my father spent a lot of time in my basement, which made sense because this is where he and I would have our best talks. Me sitting on the steps and him at the fridge having a cold beer after work. She went on to tell me that small children can see those who have passed, so when you see them smiling and cooing to the ceiling, someone is with them. My twins were only over a year when I went, and a year later when the meeting hadn’t been spoken about in quite a while (much less around the kids being that small), my sister and I asked who the people were in the pictures on my end table. They correctly named their other grandparents but when it came to my father, my daughter who was 2 1/2 said “Poppy Frank downstairs”. My sister and I looked at each other in amazement and shed some happy tears. I was hoping Sandy might still be doing readings since my mother has now passed, but I guess 20 years later is a long time to wait. I hope she’s doing well and so glad to see she shared many gifts to many people. đź’—

  40. Tracey
    August 10, 2024 at 1:53 pm (8 months ago)

    I visited Sandy after my mum’s passing in 2006 and read her book. Her reading was outstanding! No one could have known the things she told me.
    When I read the slanderous comments on here by a few people about Sandy’s gift as a medium, I must fiercely object. I also grew up in this community, know clairvoyance, know tarot cards, had too many to count tea leaves, hands, tarots, mediums read me. And there has been NO ONE more accurate or better than Sandy.
    Just to give you an example, she knew the conversation I had with my mum in my car during the drive to her house and the conversation I had with my boys doctor that very morning. How would anyone be able to research those.
    All I can say is the people with scepticism and unbelievable experiences must fill her room with their negative energy and bad juju which taints their visit.
    Sandy is a gift and a blessing who helps all the bereaved but especially those who have lost their precious children. Please don’t discredit such an amazing person.

  41. Susan Carol Gray
    August 10, 2024 at 3:57 pm (8 months ago)

    I also saw Sandy in 2006 after losing my daughter. Your words are exactly right on as I have posted several on this site documenting her outstanding and blessed gift of mediumship. Thanks for sharing your journey with Sandy.

    • Tracey
      August 11, 2024 at 2:35 am (8 months ago)

      I’m very sorry for your loss of your daughter.
      In regards to Sandy, I only wish I had found this site earlier so I could have shared my positive experience sooner.

  42. Susan Carol Gray
    August 11, 2024 at 3:03 pm (8 months ago)

    Thank you, Tracy. We were very fortunate to have a friend inform us about Sandy as she had found a note from her ‘spiriitual’ sister who had passed away. My friend waited a year for her reading from Sandy, which proved undeniably true in every way. Sandy’s book and her reading changed our lives.


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