We learned about our infertility issues long before Dr. Google and Facebook support groups.
Once we decided that we wanted to start trying to conceive, we did what every couple does; had lots of sex, put my legs up, all the things you see on T.V. and in movies. A few months into our “fun”, Paul learned from his doctor that we would likely need assistance to get pregnant. It was then that I decided to look into my own reproductive health for the first time, as well. I hadn’t had any reason to be concerned, but I knew that it was a good idea to investigate. The first thing my doctor asked us to do was to chart my temperature and track ovulation for three months.
Three months seemed like forever when you are trying to get pregnant, but I had my basal thermometer and chart and manually tracked each dip and peak along the month. What I learned from that exercise was that I had a very late cycle and ovulated far too late to actually conceive naturally. We were devastated that both of our bodies had let us down. Both of us were contributing to our inability to become parents and the road ahead seemed impossible. We met with incredible fertility doctors who eventually recommended IVF and we were blessed with our beautiful son after one in vitro cycle.
Our story of infertility affects 1 in 6 couples. For the other five, the decision to have a baby and the period of trying to conceive can be both fun and frustrating. Many couples mistakenly think that something must be wrong if they have tried for a month or two and have not yet conceived but these unrealistic expectations can be the cause of much stress which only makes it more difficult for a woman to get pregnant. Twenty percent of couples don’t conceive within six months of trying, so if it does take longer than 6 months to get pregnant, you should consult a doctor like we did.
Even if you have intercourse every single day, your odds of getting pregnant any given month will most likely be no more than 25 per cent. The optimal time to have intercourse is right before or during ovulation, but many women are unaware of exactly when this will occur. Technology has moved far beyond my basel thermometer and printed graph. Fortunately, there is a new site called ovulationcalendar.com can help by allowing you to effectively track your cycle and learn from experts about ovulation and reproductive health. This is AMAZING news for couples who are trying to conceive!
The Ovulation Calendar can provide;
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