We Can’t Wait to Walk for SickKids again!

Do you have a SickKids story? We do. 

We’ve seen the miracles, first hand, that take place within those walls at SickKids. 
We were given the gift of 3 years with our child, when the odds were against him from the start. 
Not nearly enough, but we may never have known how truly amazing he was and how much he would change us in such a short time.

We know the pain and struggles that parents feel when they are told that their child is fighting for their life.  
We looked them in the eyes as they told us exactly what we were up against and they committed to doing their best.

We know the joys and victories as the weakest little miracles are transformed into strong and powerful survivors. 
Our two week old Zack surprised the doctors when he survived an open chest after his heart surgery.

We know the comfort of knowing that the nurses and doctors are working hard to fight for your child’s life. 
The OR team continued to perform CPR for 40 minutes when Zack’s heart stopped.

We know the sensitivity with which the entire hospital treats our little babies and the way in which they embrace them and cheer them on. 
Nurse Sarah washed Zack’s hair, read to him and played our lullabies, when we left the Cardiac Critical Care Unit to go home and see our other two boys.

We’ve seen the compassion with which the staff treat parents, like us, in their last moments with their sweet child.
Molds of our hands entwined, clippings of his hair and dim lights all provided comfort as we said goodbye.

There are no words to express how SickKids has impacted our lives and how, even though Zack is gone, they continue to embrace us as family.

We are honoured to walk with other families who have a story, on Saturday, September 23rd. Zack’s Dream Team will join more than 2,000 campers (participants), crew and volunteers on our FIFTH Walk for SickKids! 

Want to know more about this day you and your kids won’t ever forget?

1. Inspiring: When you first arrive at “camp” early Saturday morning you get to meet the other families who will also be walking around Toronto. All of these parents and kids have a story, a connection to SickKids that is unique and special. If you are lucky, you will have a chance to talk to many of them and share what has inspired you to walk that day!  

2. Fun: Collect your badges and bling your lanyard as campers are encouraged to visit campsites around the city for mural painting, relay races, dance lessons, water play, crafts, and more. Be active as a family, talk and laugh along the beautiful route around the streets of Toronto. I promise it will be an incredible day to make memories and have fun as a family, for an amazing cause.

3. Do it at your own pace: I’ve walked all 20km for 4 years, but last year we completed it as a family…even with our dog, Roxy! Jayden brought his scooter and loved the sights as we walked around our beautiful city. In the past, when the boys were younger, they stopped at 10km. No shame in that! There is no need to do it all, even 5km is a “win” when it comes to this unique walk. Once participants have walked as far as they can go, they can return to base camp for more activities and snacks! 

Donate to Zack’s Dream Team and help other families have one more hour, one more day, one more year or an entire lifetime with their child.

Thank you,

Heather, Paul, Ty, Jayden and Roxy

3 Comments on We Can’t Wait to Walk for SickKids again!

  1. Lisa
    September 11, 2015 at 2:08 am (10 years ago)

    You already know about the special bench where A and I sit and chat with Z every time we're at SickKids. He watches over her there. I know he does. xo

  2. Chris Dyson
    November 11, 2015 at 11:31 pm (9 years ago)

    I appreciate you sharing your story and I can only say I echo all of your comments. Sick Kids is the charity we support through sales of my book. This is a very personal cause for me. They saved my life many times when I was a child and I have such fond memories of my many extended stays. The staff were always wonderful! Forever grateful for the hospital an staff.

  3. psychicshivaraj
    October 2, 2023 at 5:19 am (1 year ago)

    Thank you for sharing wonderful story with us. This post will help us in handling sick-kinds.


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