A School Year in Review- The words learned, no red cards, time with Daddy and texting with girls

As we begin the summer and end another school year, I’ve been reflecting on just what has gone on over the past year and all the lessons learned, definitions of words taught and memories made in our family.  

I decided to come up with a list of all that transpired during this crazy year of serious ups and downs, from September to June.

1.  Jayden started Grade One every day, all day.  This is a huge step and we both took some time to get used to not being together on the alternate days.  I still miss our time together.

2.  What a shift in our working roles at home!  I started working everyday at momstown, from home, and Paul was laid off.  Okay, so we didn’t really take FULL advantage of an empty house everyday, but we did have a few lunches and it was just nice to have him around!  Paul was home for homework, helped with laundry and the morning routine and volunteered 3 times for Scientist in the School (Jayden picked Daddy over me!).  While looking for his next role has been challenging, we are so blessed that he’s had amazing time with the us all school year! 

3.  We celebrated another birthday without Zack It was really after that milestone that Jayden began to cry and grieve over Zack.  He told us that Zack was coming to talk to him…often.  Getting him some help at school with a social worker offered a bit of help, but we are still finding ways to help bring him comfort when he’s just so sad.

4.  Jayden started hockey– a really exciting first for our family.  We were so proud to attend his games and cheer him on with the cow bell.  It got even better when Ty decided he wanted to play too and now we look forward to having both boys in house league next year!

5.  Ty heard a word on the school yard and came to ask me what the word “Rape” meantAfter a few meetings and emails to the Principal, the class learned that this was no joke.  I also had to explain what a c*cksucker, di!do and p^ssy were to my 10 year old.  Thanks boys in Grade 5 with older brothers!  I always want to be the one that Ty can come to, so of course, I answered all of his questions with complete honesty…even when it’s really hard or makes me giggle.

6.  We started a “green” and “red” card system for Jayden’s behaviour at school As the school year progressed, there were warning signs that perhaps he has a learning difficulty that we need to address.  We are moving forward with some testing and assessments for Jayden, next year thanks to some great teachers and staff who love and care for our creative and sweet boy…and super cool dude. 

7.  It was a tough spring as a longtime friend and I stopped talking to “take a break” from each other and really look at our friendship.  This hit me really hard during a time I was feeling really low and resulted in several sleepless nights staying up sobbing.  I have hope that with time, we can heal our friendship and be in each other’s lives again.  I miss her and her family.

8.  My sweet, gorgeous and amazing Ty has gone through a transformation.  He not only got braces (on the top for now) but also has matured into an entirely different body.  Once shy to even go swimming without a top and very aware of his weight, he is now taller, leaner, and more confident than ever.  I’m so proud of his great choices in healthy snacks, interest in staying active and maturity in the way he carries his “new” body.  It might just be a coincidence, but Ty also realized that some of the boys in his class have “girlfriends” and decided that he might finally be honest with a special friend who has always had his heart…at least they’ve started texting.

I’m approaching this summer, not with a “bucket list” per se but with a feeling that our luck just might be changing.  Maybe things are becoming what they are meant to be.  With my new opportunity at CTN outside of the house, a chance to continue writing about my family on this site, some amazing consulting roles for Paul on the horizon, new found confidence in Ty and a plan for our Jayden for the fall….I know that this summer of change is just what we need to move passed the challenges of this past year.

Bring it on!

1 Comment on A School Year in Review- The words learned, no red cards, time with Daddy and texting with girls

  1. Sober Julie
    July 4, 2014 at 2:46 am (11 years ago)

    What an awesome and yet challenging year. The boys have grown so much and your family has experienced new memories. Love this post, so touching and openly written.


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